03 8510 2244
Hoa Nghiem Primary School Logo

Governance & Structure

Board of Directors - Chair

Board has the ultimate responsibility for all matters relating to the running of the School. The Board led by the Chair and has responsibility as the practical governance and policy-making of the School, to provide strategic guidance for the School and to effectively oversee and review the School’s management. The School Board also does not have a management function and not be involved in its day-to day management of the school. All the Board members will complete the Non-Government Schools Protecting Children - Mandatory Reporting and other Obligations annually.


Most Venerable Thich Thien Tam - Chair


The Principal is appointed by the Board and is responsible for day-to-day management of the School. The Principal ensures school culture, learning, environment and community sustainability through action. The Principal will recruit the Leadership team to lead the school operation.


Sr. Thich Phuoc Uyen - Principal

Sir Ken Robinson observes that every education system in the world has the same hierarchy of subjects. At the top are maths and languages, then the humanities. At the bottom are the arts. He maintains that schools should move towards more personalised and organic approaches to learning. Any curriculum which emphasises multi-disciplinary learning is more likely to foster the creativity which is crucial for society. 

Every Buddha's teaching emphasises on creativities and foster the culture of thinking. Well-aligned to education; however, there is extremely low number of enrolment in Buddhist school and minimal Buddhist school available to serve the large Buddhist population. After 5 years, Hoa Nghiem Buddhist College has developed and implemented the Learning in 21st century systemic approach, emphasises multi-disciplinary learning, to offer Buddhist families the modern, organic and authentic education services.


HNBC Leadership Team

By the end of 2025, HNBC will constantly BE VISIBLE for Buddhist families. We will target on:

  • Visible in Buddhist communities events by participating in and/or host school tour for communities' leaders/members.
  • Visible in children services by establishing the sister relationship with HNELC, sharing the Learning in 21st century systemic learning approach.
  • Overcome the limited facilities by improving our playground to attract prospective families.


HNBC Structure