Room |
Regular booking Fee |
Before School |
25.10 |
After School |
37.52 |
Vacation Care |
137.61 |
The above fees are effective from 8 July 2024 and are based on a 10 hour session, for regular attendance between 2 and 4 days per week. 5 day bookings receive extra discount per day. Note that different combinations of sessions times and number of days can increase or decrease the daily rate. Casual booking fee will attract 20% loading and no guarantee.
Online Enrolment form - Hoa Nghiem OSHC
The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is the largest form of child care assistance in Australia and is provided by the Federal Government. Primarily, this subsidy reduces the childcare costs for families with children attending long day care. It also reduces the costs of out of school hours care, family daycare and in home care. The CCS became available to families on 2 July 2018.
The purpose of providing child care assistance and reducing costs is to:
The CCS also simplifies child care fee assistance by replacing several previous programs including the Child Care Benefit, Child Care Rebate and Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance Programme.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Calculator
The payments you receive are paid directly to your childcare provider and apply against your childcare fees to determine your family’s out of pocket costs. For payments to be paid to your childcare provider, you will be required to complete several steps:
If you already have a customer reference number, Centrelink account online and MyGov account then you should be able to progress straight to step 4 above. To do so, log into myGov and select Services > Centrelink. Select Complete your assessment task and work through the steps to complete your application.
Prior to calculating the amount of subsidy your family can claim, you must first assess your family’s eligibility. To be eligible for the CCS, you or your partner must meet all of the following four (4) eligibility criteria:
If the fourth criteria is not met, you may seek an exemption if you or your partner are a student sponsored by the Australian Government, are experiencing hardship or have special circumstances.
In addition to you or your partner meeting the eligibility criteria, your child must also meet two (2) eligibility criteria in order for your family to be eligible for child care support. Your child must be:
Exemptions to these criteria may apply if your child is:
To qualify for an exemption, you must also offer evidence as to why your child cannot be left without supervision, and confirm that there are no adults available to care for your child.