Primary School F-6
Seeing the lotus to come in every seed.

Our curriculum includes a strong focus on literacy, numeracy, creative arts, information and communication technology capability, critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical behaviour and intercultural understanding. We establish and communicate clear expectations concerning the use of effective teaching strategies and approaches and refine our curriculum collaboratively ensuring a shared vision and consistent, systematic approach.
Students at HNPS know what they are doing and why. This fosters motivated and self-regulated learners who successfully organise and retain knowledge.
Formative assessment is substantial, regular and provides meaningful feedback; as well as feeding back to individual learners, this knowledge is used constantly to shape the direction of practice within the learning environment.
The School has established and implemented a systematic plan for the collection, analysis and use of a range of student achievement and wellbeing data. Data is used to identify gaps in student learning and to monitor growth and progress over time. Teachers routinely use objective data on student achievement as evidence of successful teaching.
Two-way communication with parents and families provides information about where students are in their learning, what progress they have made over time and what they might do to support their children’s further
"What we want for our students, we should also want for their teachers – that schools be places of learning for both of them and that such learning be suffused with excitement, passion, challenge, creativity and joy."